
CO2 Coalition Submits Comment on EPA’s Proposed Power Plant Regulations as Dangerous and Unscientific

Release: Immediate July 21, 2023 Download entire comment here (pdf) ARLINGTON, Va. – A proposed federal rule to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants should not be adopted because it scientifically invalid and would endanger lives by denying people the benefits of fossil fuels and increasing levels of CO2, according to two eminent physicists.… Continue Reading

CO2 Coalition and Drs. Happer and Lindzen File Amicus Brief Supporting CHECC

In 2009, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, under the auspices of the Clean Air Act, falsely determined that carbon dioxide was a pollutant. This is known as the Endangerment Finding and has been used since then to enable EPA to regulate and control CO2 emissions.    It is this authority that is being used… Continue Reading

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