
Virginia’s Youngkin Backs Out of Costly Carbon Credit Compact

Last year, the CO2 Coalition played a prominent role in providing the scientific basis for opposing the Virginia Clean Economy Act and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) in the state.

In a victory of science over climate alarm, Virginia’s governor yesterday backed out of RGGI.

From Just the News‘ Tyler Arnold:

“Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration will use its regulatory authority to end Virginia’s participation in a costly carbon credit program.

The decision is likely to face a legal challenge by environmentalist groups who say the executive branch doesn’t have the legal authority to do so.

…Youngkin campaigned on getting Virginia out of RGGI and his administration is acting on that promise. In a statement, Acting Secretary of Historic and Natural Resources Travis Voyle said the administration will repeal the trading rule, which would end the commonwealth’s participation in the compact.”

The complete Just the News article originally published September 1, 2022, can be accessed here.


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