
Greenland is turning green again for the first time since medieval times. Why it matters.

USA Today admits that it was warmer and greener on Greenland during the Medieval Warm Period than today and then goes full-on alarmist.

From USA Today’s Doyle Rice:

We may need to rethink that old expression “Greenland is ice, Iceland is green.”

New research published Tuesday says that because of global warming, Greenland’s ice sheet is melting fast – and being replaced by vegetation.

Parts of Greenland are becoming green again for the first time since the Vikings visited nearly 1,000 years ago, according to study co-author Jonathan Carrivick, an Earth scientist at the University of Leeds in the U.K.

And where there was once snow and ice just a few decades ago, there are now areas of shrub, along with barren rock and wetlands, the study reports. …

“The last time Greenland was this green was ‘possibly during the Medieval Warm Period,” (roughly 900 to 1,300 A.D.)…The ice sheet was less extensive then than today, and it is likely vegetation was more extensive then, too, as the Viking records suggest.'”

The complete article can be accessed here.

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