
Climate Alarmist War On Nitrous Oxide Threatens The Global Food Supply

From American Thinker:

By Jerome R. Corsi

In November 2022, four eminent scientists issued a theoretical physics paper, “Nitrous Oxide and Climate.” It proves that the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s “war on nitrous oxide” to achieve Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2050 threatens to cause a significant collapse in the world’s food supply.

The article’s four authors are eminent men in their field, so their analysis and opinion deserve to be taken very seriously: (1) C.A. de Lange, a physicist at Vrije Universiteit, in Amsterdam; (2) J.D. Ferguson, an M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, with a specialty in developing computer models of the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on dairy farming; (3) William Happer, emeritus professor of physics at Princeton; and (4) W.A. van Wijngaarden, a professor of physics at York University in Canada.

All four are staunch critics of the IPCC war to expand the hysterical climate attack on carbon dioxide (CO2) to include demonizing nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), which are classed as “minor greenhouse gases.” The report concludes with a compelling truth: “It is not possible to maintain highly productive agriculture without nitrogen fertilizer.” It’s a genuinely frightening thought that the neo-Marxists at the heart of today’s climate hysteria have chosen to attack N2O because millions will die if governments ban nitrogen fertilizers. The neo-Marxist ideologues are willing to manipulate existential climate fear in their insane willingness to kill millions if that’s what is required to negate capitalism.

The complete American Thinker article by Jerome R. Corsi, originally published July 11, 2023, can be accessed here.

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