Call for Nominations for the Committee for the Review of the Draft 5th National Climate Assessment
“The United States Global Change Research Program is leading the development of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5). The NCA5 is intended to provide an up-to-date evaluation and summary of the current and projected impacts of climate change on the United States, with detailed discussion of regional effects. A draft of the NCA5 is expected to be made available for review in late fall 2022. A new ad hoc committee of the National Academies will conduct an independent technical review of the NCA5 draft report. This National Academies review will be concurrent with the public review period.
The National Academies is seeking individuals to serve on the committee with expertise in key areas addressed in the NCA5, including:
- Systems / sectors: Water; Energy; Forests; Ocean and Marine Resources; Coastal Effects
- Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity; Land Cover and Land Use Change
- Agriculture and Rural Communities
- Built Environment, Urban Systems, and Cities; Transportation
- Human Health; Air Quality
- Human Social Systems; Economics; Equity and Environmental Justice
- Tribal and Indigenous Communities
- Climate Effects on US International Interests
- Sectoral Interdependencies and Compounding Stressors
- Climate Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience
- Climate Science Communications; Data Visualization”
Nominate here by 1 August 2022.