
Wyoming governor reveals troubling lack of knowledge

Press release CO2 Coalition on Wyoming Governor’s latest pronouncement on carbon capture

RELEASE: Immediate                                                          December 11, 2023

Press Release 2023 12 11 60 Minutes

 Gov. Gordon’s 60 Minutes interview reveals troubling lack of knowledge

 ARLINGTON, Va. — Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has proposed taking the Cowboy State to negative net zero by building vast, industrial-scale wind projects and facilities to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it.

To date, the Governor has not provided cost estimates of such massive projects. Nor has he projected how much these proposals would add to the price of electricity for the state’s residents.

Appearing on CBS’s 60 Minutes recently, Gov. Gordon exposed a lack of knowledge about climate change and Wyoming. The governor is apparently unaware of some very important scientific facts that should drive the policy decisions:

  • Heat waves peaked in Wyoming in the 1920s and 30s.
  • Average maximum annual temperatures have been in decline for more than 80 years.
  • Growing seasons are lengthening in the Cowboy State.
  • Snowfall totals at six of the eight largest ski resorts in Wyoming are increasing.
  • Reducing Wyoming’s CO2 emissions to zero would avert only 0.002 degrees (F) of warming by 2100.
  • Increasing atmospheric CO2 is driving huge increases in grassland, forest and crop productivity.

These and many more climate facts reveal the governor’s notion of CO2 driving harmful and unprecedented warming in Wyoming to be mistaken.

Attempting to lessen the amount of atmospheric CO2 is not only foolish and wasteful but detrimental to the well-being of ecosystems and citizens of Wyoming.


Gregory Wrightstone

Executive Director

CO2 Coalition

Arlington, VA 22209


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