
Flooding Our Minds with a River of Climate Fear Mongering

UCLA’s Daniel Swain and NPR’s David Romero Collude to Flood Our Minds with a River of Climate Fear Mongering! By Jim Steele There have been many news articles about the human suffering caused by the floods that inundated the town of Pajaro in Monterrey County, California on March 11, 2023. But NPR’s article This Winter’s… Continue Reading

How CO2 Saves the Earth: Greenhouse Gas have Vital Warming & Cooling Effects

While CO2 warming effects have raised earth’s temperature to present levels, CO2’s absorbed wavelengths are nearly saturated. More CO2 will have reduced warming effects going forward. On the other hand, more CO2 increases collisions with O2 and N2 allowing those air molecules to release heat absorbed from conduction with the ground to be radiated back… Continue Reading

Understanding Wildfires and Climate and How we Must Adapt

CO2 Coalition member and western fire expert Jim Steele explains the ecology of wildfires and why California is more prone to fires than the rest of the USA. Jim Steele is Director emeritus of San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus, authored Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism, and proud member… Continue Reading

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