
Eagle Council Collegiate Summit – The deliberate corruption of the scientific process

Gregory Wrightstone attended the Eagle Council Collegiate Summit in Wash DC to talk about scientific malfeasance in the climate change debate. ...

CO2 Coalition: What Rising CO2 Means for Global Food Security

Video of Dr. Craig Idso discussing his recent CO2 Coalition White Paper: What Rising CO2 Means for Global Food Security...

2018 Annual GWPF Lecture – Prof Richard Lindzen – Global Warming For The Two Cultures

Dr. Richard Lindzen addresses the Global Warming Policy Foundation's 2018 Annual Meeting....

Antifa shouts down climate science

Antifa protesters shout down Gregory Wrightstone's presentation "How rising temperatures and increasing CO2 are benefiting the Earth and humanity"...

William Happer, ICCC-12 (Keynote: Independence Now)

Wiliam Happer, Professor of Physics (emeritus) at Princeton University, a founding board member of the CO2 Coalition, and a long-term member of the JASON advisory group, presents "Independence Now" at the 12th International Conference on Climate Change on March 24, 2017....

MIT Professor Emeritus of Meteorology Richard Lindzen talks about the inextricably intertwined link between the body politic and climate scientists with respect to promoting the climate alarmist narrative, arguing “I don’t think any field survives this degree of corruption without losing if nothing else its self-respect,” ...

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore: on becoming a climate realist

Greenpeace co-founder, Patrick Moore, discusses how we need to look at science and environmentalism together and not just view the sensationalism activism groups show the media. After leaving Greenpeace, Moore has gone on to become what he calls a sensible environmentalist and explains how Greenpeace and other like minded organizations have moved away from using science as a basis for their projects....

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