
Jayaraj: Warming will be a “net benefit for humanity”

Numerous figures in the mainstream media have pushed “climate alarmism,” but Vijay Jayaraj, a research associate at the nonpartisan, nonprofit CO2 Coalition, debunks the claim, calling it a new form of colonialism.

“There is a growing sentiment among the leaders in the developing world about imperialism and reemergence of colonialism, in which they see an enforcement of restrictive energy policies from the Western leaders,” Jayaraj told The Daily Signal during an interview at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this month. “So, it’s in a form of an imperialism and climate alarmism, which is now infringing upon the rights of the poor people and dashing their hopes about having a future where they can have reliable energy access.”

The complete interview by Michael Ippolito featuring Jayaraj was first published in The Stream, March 20, 2023 and can viewed here.

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