CO2 Coalition Executive DirectorCoalition Staff

Gregory Wrightstone – Executive Director

MS in Geology

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist (BS Waynesburg College and MS West Virginia Univ.), bestselling author (Inconvenient Facts), and an Expert Reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR6).

Mr. Wrightstone has authored or co-authored more than 200 papers, publications and commentaries concerning climate change and energy. He is a popular guest for media outlets on television, radio and podcasts, having done nearly 300 interviews in 2022 alone.

He had a 35-year career in the energy industry, focused primarily on the Appalachian Basin of the eastern United States, culminating in his role as a founding partner and VP of Exploration for Mountaineer Keystone.

Executive Director Wrightstone is a strong proponent of the scientific process and often refers to a basic tenet of English law: Audiatur et altera pars or “Let both sides be fairly heard.”

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