CO2 Coalition Members

Indur Goklany

PhD, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science

Ph. D. (1973), M.S. (1969), Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, Michigan State University.

Bachelor of Technology (1968, with honors), Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

Worked with federal and state agencies, think tanks, and the private sector for over 45 years, including over 30 years working on climate and global change issues.

Long time (29 -year) member of the Federal Senior Executive Service from 1992 to retirement (2021).

Written extensively on the interactions between globalization, economic development, environmental quality, technological change, climate change, and human well-being. Writings include about a 150 papers, books and monographs (see Google Scholar and ResearchGate.)

Books include The Improving State of the World: Why We're Living Longer, Healthier, More Comfortable Lives on a Cleaner Planet and The Precautionary Principle: A Critical Appraisal of Environmental Risk Assessment.

Involved with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since before its inception — as an author (First Assessment Report), U.S. delegate to IPCC and various subgroups off and on from (1988 through 2009) Expert Reviewer (Fourth and Fifth Assessment Reports). I also helped develop the IPCC WG II’s Preliminary Guidelines for Assessing Impacts of Climate Change which were subsequently incorporated into its methodological guidelines.

Part of the U.S. team that negotiated the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and later a delegate to that organization.

Departmental representative to the interdepartmental Policy Coordinating Committee on Climate Change (chaired by the State Department), 2001-2009, and the US Global Change Research initiative and the Global Change Research Program, 1987-1993.

Developed the emissions trading program in the Environmental Protection Agency before emissions trading became the vogue. Received EPA’s bronze medal for developing the first-ever emission trading scheme (which involved sources subject to new source performance standards).

Received the Julian Simon Prize and Award by the Competitive Enterprise Institute in 2007.

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