CO2 Coalition Members

Tony Heller

BS Geology, Arizona State UniversityMasters Electrical Engineering, Rice UniversityBoston University GeologyNorthern Arizona University Computer ScienceColorado State University Computer ScienceUniversity of New Mexico Geochemistry

Lifelong environmentalist.I testified at my first Congressional hearing in support of Wilderness in 1972.I fought for the Clean Air and Water actsWilderness Ranger Cibola National Forest, New MexicoWilderness Ranger Santa Fe National Forest, New MexicoCurrently battling the City of Boulder, Colorado to stop development on the South Boulder WetlandsFull time cyclist for all my local transportation, for the past 40 years

Teacher.Science teacher, Athletic Director and Soccer Coach at Oak Creek Ranch School, ArizonaMath teacher at Phoenix Country Day SchoolSubstitute teacher at Murphy School District, Phoenix ArizonaComputer instructor at Tomball College, Texas

Geologist.Geothermal research at Los Alamos National LabsOil shale research at Los Alamos National LabsThermodynamic research of methane hydrates at Los Alamos National LabsVolcano research at Los Alamos National LabsSafety Analysis Report for the Permian Basin DOE nuclear waste disposal siteVolunteer curator Arizona Mineral Museum

Electrical EngineerCompaq/SGI MIPS consortium design teamPower PC design team IBM/Apple/Motorola  (Used in  most game consoles over the last three decades, and PowerMacs)Sandia Labs computer architectSandia Labs representative to Al Gore’s Bankers Trust key escrow consortiumCyrix Media GX microprocessor design team managerRaycer Graphics OpenGL graphics processor verification leadDesign manager Hitachi/ST SH5 microprocessorVerification lead MemoryLogix microprocessorFounder, design lead Visual Media video effects/editing softwareOpenGL driver development ATIItanium/i7 design team Intel  Sped up Helicos DNA sequencing algorithm by 50XSped up NCAR weather microphysics kernel by 500XPorted NCAR’s radiative transfer model to GPUPorted NCAR’s WRF weather model to WindowsDrone visualization and control software for the US militaryMedical device control systems (under NDA)Virtual reality visualization design (under NDA)Radio control and visualization software (under NDA)

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