Electric vehicle fire catastrophe: It is not a matter of if, but when
By Gregory Wrightstone
Joe Biden’s plan to convert 50% of the U.S. vehicle fleet from internal combustion engines to electricity by 2050 to fight climate change ignores a serious danger in doing so. Recent events around the world reveal that fire catastrophes from electric vehicles (EVs) are not only possible, but increasingly likely. The fire risk of the lithium-ion batteries that these EVs rely on for power is well documented, as they have been known to spontaneously combust in the most inopportune times and places.
Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist, executive Director of the CO2 Coalition of Arlington, VA, expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR-6) and the author of the bestselling book, Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know.
This article appeared on the BizPacReview.com website at https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/08/24/electric-vehicle-fire-catastrophe-it-is-not-a-matter-of-if-but-when-1123774/