CO2 Coalition Members

Matt Boyce

PhD, Geology

PhD in Geology from West Virginia University, BS and MS. from the University of Arkansas in Geology.

Formerly petrophysicist at ExxonMobil. Experienced in basins of the  U.S: Permian, Paradox, Appalachia, Gulf Coast, Unita, Piceance, DJ , L.A., Anadarko, Michigan, Williston, and Sacramento basin’s. International work in the Vaca Muerta, La Luna, Bowland, Dadas, McCarther Basin, Cooper Basin, Dnieper-Donets basin, Montney, Posidonia, and Baltic basin.

While at SWN Matt co-discovered a new patent (US 3005657A1) that greatly enhanced determining unconventional porosity using core nuclear magnetic resonance. The patent illustrated that in-place reserve values were two to three times larger than previously calculated.

Matt is currently  is a partner in EPOCH Consulting LLC where he applies his extensive background in petrophysics and geology to unconventional problems across industry. Matt is currently a board member of the entrepreneur earth science organization SIPES and is passionate about educating citizens concerning the oil industry and its positive effect on society.

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