Matt Boyce
PhD in Geology from West Virginia University, BS and MS. from the University of Arkansas in Geology.
Formerly petrophysicist at ExxonMobil. Experienced in basins of the U.S: Permian, Paradox, Appalachia, Gulf Coast, Unita, Piceance, DJ , L.A., Anadarko, Michigan, Williston, and Sacramento basin’s. International work in the Vaca Muerta, La Luna, Bowland, Dadas, McCarther Basin, Cooper Basin, Dnieper-Donets basin, Montney, Posidonia, and Baltic basin.
While at SWN Matt co-discovered a new patent (US 3005657A1) that greatly enhanced determining unconventional porosity using core nuclear magnetic resonance. The patent illustrated that in-place reserve values were two to three times larger than previously calculated.
Matt is currently is a partner in EPOCH Consulting LLC where he applies his extensive background in petrophysics and geology to unconventional problems across industry. Matt is currently a board member of the entrepreneur earth science organization SIPES and is passionate about educating citizens concerning the oil industry and its positive effect on society.