CO2 Coalition Members

John Shanahan

PhD Engineering

B.Sc., M.Sc. Civil Engineering, University of Notre Dame, USA, 1962, 1964

Dr. of Engineering, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 1969

1970 – 1995: After military service and graduate studies a career in nuclear power and management of environmental cleanup of Department of Defense facilities. Work included research for design of nuclear power plants for extreme events, project management in the USA, and licensing for Swiss nuclear power plants.

1996 – 2012: Investment management for private clients.

1990 – 2021: Research gathering information from scientists, engineers, and policy makers with experience in energy and energy by-products for the modern world.

2010 – 2021: Construction and operation of websites for global public education about the importance of fossil fuels and nuclear power and their many by-products and related services for prosperity and peace in the modern world. This includes extensive information about problems holding fossil fuels and nuclear power back since the 1970s. One of the major topics is the real role of atmospheric carbon dioxide and the false claims of catastrophic man-made global warming.

The website is The mission is global public education about energy and energy by-products essential for the modern world. It includes information of major topics holding back progress in the modern world, the importance of respect for the environment and wildlife habitat, and the key role of the public and political leaders in sound energy planning. The website has an International Board of Advisors consisting of 48 experts in 21 countries. We strive for representation by women and men, from age 20 through senior retirement. There are over 1,400 contributing authors from around the world. They represent many different points of view on all topics covered on the website. Readership is in 124 countries.

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