CO2 Coalition Board of Directors

Hugh Kendrick


Dr. Kendrick has degrees in mechanical and nuclear engineering from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Michigan. Later, he qualified as a Professional Engineer in the State of California.

His interest in aircraft and engineering led him to become apprenticed to Vickers-Armstrongs (aircraft) where he helped build Scimitars—single-seat, twin-engine aircraft—for the Royal Navy. He realized a boyhood dream to learn to fly by joining the Royal Air Force (RAF) Volunteer Reserve from which, incidentally, the RAF drew many of its pilots for the Battle of Britain in WWII.

His career later included conducting and managing research programs in pure and applied sciences in academia, the private sector, as well as service in the US Department of Energy. For example, research in condensed matter physics led to the co-discovery of the first order magnetic phase change in chromium.

As senior manager at SAIC and while Director of Plans and Analysis in DOE’s Nuclear Reactor Research Programs, he developed innovative methods applied to nuclear materials safeguards and nuclear non- and counter-proliferation. He acted as point in USG for assessment of proliferation resistance of alternative nuclear fuel cycles, both in international meetings, and in the US.  In the 10-volume report that he managed, pulling together results from research programs at 35 institutions including the National Laboratories and private companies, he wrote the volumes dealing with proliferation resistance and counter proliferation assessments. For example, one of his programs at Lawrence Livermore laboratory resulted in the conclusion that “there is no non weapons-usable plutonium.”

His multi-disciplinary teams at SAIC conducted environmental impact, economic and cost-risk benefit analyses for many USG Agencies, including some that involved nuclear materials safeguards and proliferation risk assessment. For example, his team’s assessment of the DOE’s Light Water Breeder Program was published as Volume IV of ERDA-1541. He was a member of the Atomic Industrial Forum’s Safeguards Policy Committee.

After his service in USG, he returned to SAIC, by then a multi-billion dollar corporation, as a member of the Executive Management team, where he held various positions, including Deputy Chief Operating Officer, that focused generally on all aspects of risk management. In addition, he managed the selection and conduct of a portfolio typically of 30-50 annual internal research programs in applied sciences.

At Imperial College in London, he was awarded a First Class Honours degree, the Associateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute, and the Henrici Medal for mathematics.

He won scholarships and fellowships throughout his academic career, and outstanding achievement awards and certificates during his USG service.

He was a member of the Nuclear Safety Committee of the National Research Council, and of the Selection Committee for DOE’s Ernest O. Lawrence Award. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), and the American Chemical Society (ACS), a past member of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and of the American Society for the Advancement of Science.

He has authored and co-authored papers in refereed journals that include Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, Journal of Applied Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, and publications of ANS and INMM.  He has been an invited author, speaker, and panelist before public, professional, industry, and academic audiences. His subjects included energy alternatives and energy policy, the prospects for nuclear energy, US energy programs, the relationship between nuclear energy and international security, nuclear safety research, and nuclear non- and counter-proliferation.


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