
Misrepresentation and Scaremongering is Not the Way to Challenge Facts.

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, January 10, 2024: Sir, Regarding the four P&J letters of Jan 3, three mention me by name. I fully respect the right of the public to challenge what I say. I will try to keep my… Continue Reading

Where Do the Climate Scaremongers Get Their Figures? We Need Clarity

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, December 28, 2023: Sir, The James Hutton Institute (JHI) published an editorial in the P&J on December 19th that made many extraordinary claims about Scotland’s climate changing faster than expected. “We are now in the midst… Continue Reading

Focus on Scientifically and Economically Illiterate Green Hymn Book is Wrong

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, December 15, 2023: Sir, I have been asked by those living under the dark shadow of giant wind turbines and pylons to respond to Tor Justad (letters 8 December). I was going to respond in any… Continue Reading

Try Using Wind to Make Turbines

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, December 11, 2023: Sir, John Kirk (letters 5 Dec) and Alistair Ballantyne (letters 6 Dec) muse about future use of lubricating oil in wind turbines. This rather misses the elephant in the room. A 1.8megawatt onshore… Continue Reading

Deluded Over Wind and Solar Security

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, December 8, 2023: Sir, I imagine many P&J readers will be wearing woolly hats and jumpers, huddled around a candle trying to keep warm. It is very cold, calm and dark outside. Ideal conditions for excess… Continue Reading

Has 1984 Finally Arrived?

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, November 16, 2023: Sir, Mike Hannan has referred to my view on climate change as Trumpian, and he calls into question my competence (letters 8th Nov). I have a BSc in geology (hons) and PhD in… Continue Reading

Preferred Carbon Capture Method is Uneconomic

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, October 28, 2023: Sir, Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is viewed as an essential component of decarbonisation by many OECD governments and has been debated and considered in the UK for at least two decades. The… Continue Reading

This Isn’t the First Time in Human History Our Winters Have Become Milder

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, October 26, 2023: Sir, with reference to the letter from Ivan Reid, 18th October. He is of course totally correct; our winters have become less snowy and milder than during our youth. I recall the deep… Continue Reading

Mass Production of White Elephants No Way to Ground Prosperous Economy

This Letter to the Editor, written by CO2 Coalition Member Euan Mearns, was published in The Press and Journal, October 18, 2023: Sir, On 4th October, the P&J carried an interesting editorial authored by Andrew Bowie MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine. He claimed that the Prime Minister was just starting a net-zero debate. That… Continue Reading

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