
Anemia Would Rise in Climate Obsessed’s Meatless Dystopia

By Vijay Jayaraj Iron deficiency — and the anemia it causes — remains a persistent global health issue that can only be exacerbated by a war on meat waged by climate alarmists, whose hostility to animal protein is a manifestation of an anti-human ideology. Growing up in South Asia, I observed a dietary practice in… Continue Reading

Here’s A Better Way For Billionaires To Give Their Money

By Wallace Manheimer Many of your fellow billionaires contribute large sums to “cure” a nonexistent climate crisis, falsely naming it an “existential threat.” They wrongly claim that wind and solar can support modern civilization. For instance, Michael Bloomberg has proudly committed $500 million to eliminate coal. Jeffery Bezos has committed $10 billion to a variety… Continue Reading

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