
Thailand’s Tiger Turnaround Contradicts Climate Fearmongering

By Vijay Jayaraj Thailand’s protected forest areas are home to the Indochinese tiger, known by its biological name Panthera tigris corbetti. Recent population numbers suggest that the tiger is making a comeback. Tiger populations in two of Thailand’s wildlife sanctuaries grew from 42 in 2012 to about 100 in 2022. The resurgence is one more conservation success story… Continue Reading

Warming-Obsessed Media Wrong Again

By Vijay Jayaraj There is not much new about media hyperbole in weather reporting, but July’s climate alarmism may be more breathless than usual. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media were inundated with posts containing flaming red maps of Southern Europe and Northern Africa. “July 2023 will probably be the world’s hottest month in… Continue Reading

A Personal Odyssey from the Population Bomb to the Climate Crisis (The Climate Crisis Lie)

by Norman Rogers In the early 1970s I was a disaffected youth. I began working at the nonprofit Zero Population Growth. We promoted the idea that exploding human population would soon make the world uninhabitable. The president of our organization went on the Johnny Carson television show. Sacks of mail, often with checks, arrived. The… Continue Reading

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