What’s Wrong with Wind and Solar?
“Are wind, solar, and batteries the magical solutions to all our energy needs? Or do they come with too high a price? Mark Mills, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, analyzes the true cost — both economic and environmental — of so-called green energy.”
“Have you ever heard of ‘unobtanium’? It’s the magical energy mineral found on the planet Pandora in the movie, Avatar. It’s a fantasy in a science fiction script. But environmentalists think they’ve found it here on earth in the form of wind and solar power. They think all the energy we need can be supplied by building enough wind and solar farms; and enough batteries. The simple truth is that we can’t. Nor should we want to—not if our goal is to be good stewards of the planet. To understand why, consider some simple physics realities that aren’t being talked about. …”
Originally published here at YouTube by PragerU on 14 September 2020.