
Bio-conversion of CO2 into biofuels and other value-added chemicals via metabolic engineering

By Ayesha Nisar et al.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) occurs naturally in the atmosphere as a trace gas, which is produced naturally as well as by anthropogenic activities. CO2 is a readily available source of carbon that in principle can be used as a raw material for the synthesis of valuable products. The autotrophic organisms are naturally equipped to convert CO2 into biomass by obtaining energy from sunlight or inorganic electron donors. This autotrophic CO2 fixation has been exploited in biotechnology, and microbial cell factories have been metabolically engineered to convert CO2 into biofuels and other value-added bio-based chemicals. A variety of metabolic engineering efforts for CO2 fixation ranging from basic copy, paste, and fine-tuning approaches to engineering and testing of novel synthetic CO2 fixing pathways have been demonstrated. In this paper, we review the current advances and innovations in metabolic engineering for bio-conversion of CO2 into bio biofuels and other value-added bio-based chemicals.

This article appeared on the Microbiological Research website at


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