
Major milestone reached at "world's first" commercial CO2-to-methanol plant

By Molly Burgess

The complete process design package for a first-of-its-kind 110,000 tonnes per year CO2-to-methanol plant has been delivered to the site location in Anyang, China.

Carbon Recycling International (CRI) this month confirmed the delivery and stated that ground preparations and foundation work is currently underway.

Once operational, the plant will recycle over 160,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, equal to those emitted by 1.3 million airline passengers traveling between Beijing and Shanghai.

Despite challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the project is on schedule with commissioning and start of methanol production expected before the end of this year.

The completion of process design represents a major milestone for the project and in CRI’s continued development of its proprietary Emissions-to-Liquids (ETL) technology. 

CRI’s technical team has been hard at work completing the engineering on time, to a high standard of quality and process safety.

Detailed design and fabrication of process equipment has begun. CRI will be responsible for delivery of key components for methanol synthesis as well as supporting the commissioning and start-up of the plant. 

“This milestone could not have been achieved without the dedication and effort of our technical team and good collaboration with our project partners in China” said Ingolfur Gudmundsson, CRI’s CEO.

“We look forward to seeing the plant built and becoming operational. This will be a major breakthrough for our efforts to bring technology to market that addresses the problem of carbon emissions both cost-effectively and at large scale.” 

Once the plant has been commissioned, plant operation will be handled by the owner, the Shunli joint venture company.

This article appeared on the GasWorld website at


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