
CO2 Coalition Statement Regarding SEC Regulation of Climate Change Disclosures

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s requirement that companies provide information on how they address climate change is based on a false premise that there is a climate emergency — or that one is developing — because of carbon dioxide emissions from human activity

To quote Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University, ”There isn’t a climate crisis. There will not be a climate crisis. It is utter nonsense.”

The SEC might as well require disclosures on how businesses will address a catastrophic asteroid strike.

Another world-renowned scientist, Dr Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, puts it this way:

“What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that carbon dioxide from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin.

“It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that carbon dioxide, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.”

There are thousands, of scientists — and tens of thousands of documents — that dispute the so-called consensus that the planet is warming in a dangerous way. The following are some facts that many of these scientists have endorsed from a variety of perspectives that include astrophysics, atmospheric sciences, climatology, engineering, geology, meteorology, paleontology, physics and more:

  • There is no “climate crisis” and there is no evidence that there will be one.
  • Today’s warming is neither unusual nor unprecedented. The geologic record shows that most of the last 10,000 years were warmer than the current period.
  • During the Medieval Warm Period a thousand years ago Vikings grew barley on Greenland, a crop that can’t be grown there today. During the earlier Roman Warm Period, citrus grew in northern England.
  • Modern warming began more than 300 years ago well before the ramp-up in CO2 emissions in the mid-20th century.
  • Carbon dioxide, the gas purported to be the cause of catastrophic warming, is not toxic and does no harm.
    • While carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, it is a weak one that is overshadowed by other such gases, including water vapor.
    • Water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas whose atmospheric concentration is 100 times greater and is readily visible as clouds.
    • Recent small increases in both carbon dioxide and natural warmth have led to a greening of as much as half the planet over the last 50 years, benefiting people and the environment.
    • Prior to recent increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, CO2 was trending dangerously downward to where plant life cannot survive. Increasing carbon dioxide above historically low levels is good for the planet’s ecosystems and humanity.
  • Radical proposals to replace fossil fuels with unreliable energy technologies such as wind turbines and solar panels are absurd, dangerous, and environmentally unfriendly. Too much unreliable wind and solar on the electric grid makes us vulnerable to tragic blackouts, as illustrated in Texas in February.
  • Modern industry – powered by coal, oil and natural gas – has produced widespread prosperity and longer life spans. Affordable, reliable energy is key to raising billions more people from third-world poverty and privation. These fuels, along with nuclear power, provide 85 percent of the world’s power today and will be the dominant energy sources for decades to come.
  • Descriptions of wind and solar as “clean” energy ignore the reality that these technologies come with their own environmental and economic consequences that fail to pass any reasonable cost/benefit analysis.
  • Significantly increasing unreliable wind and solar as well as electric vehicles decreases our energy resiliency while dramatically increasing our dependence on China, which has a near monopoly on rare earth elements that are in all modern technologies.

These facts render the SEC regulation useless at best — and probably counterproductive. We recommend that the regulation be eliminated.


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